
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Bronson Pelletier, Brayden Jimmie June 23rd APTN

Brayden Jimmie, Twilight Saga's Youngest Wolf: Collin Littlesea stopping by the former set of Canadian Tv Comedy Corner Gas on his way to Winnipeg's National Aboriginal Day Live Event  June 23rd
Brayden is set to be teamed up with one of the event's Host Candy Palmater of The Candy Show in,  no doubt some comically embarrassing skit during the live concert!

Bronson Pelletier will be hosting the APTN's  Breaking New Beats (June 23rd) show which features 10 new acts as they take the spotlight and share their stories in a new way, with a new sound.
 Brayden Spotted by Eagle Eyed Twilight Fans on his way to Winnipeg stopping at the set of Corner Gas-

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