
Friday, December 2, 2011

Boo Boo Stewart Da Man Mag

Boo Boo Stewart of ‘Twilight’: DA MAN exclusive photos and interview. Seventeen-year-old entertainer Boo Boo Stewart, known for his role from Twilight: Eclipse as Seth Clearwater, is a multi-talented young star on the rise.  Photographs by Yann Bean <excerpts from the interview available online HERE>

DA MAN: Tell us about the upcoming film White Frog?
Boo Boo Stewart:
I play a teen with autism. The only person my character relates to is his older brother (Harry Shum, Jr.) and he dies—my ‘perfect’ family falls apart. In my own way I have to bring them back together; it’s a great story and I am really proud and excited about it.
DA MAN: What attracted you to such a script/project?
Boo Boo Stewart:
The character I play is so different than anything I have ever done and the story was just really touching.
DA MAN: Who would you like to act alongside in the future?
Boo Boo Stewart:
Jim Caviezel.
DA MAN: Is there anything you’d like to say to your fans in Asia?
Boo Boo Stewart: I would just like to say thanks for all the support and I would love to have the chance to visit one day.

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