
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Abilities of Wolves

A werewolf's eyesight is more than ten times Sharper than a normal human's, twice as sharp as the average bird of prey. Though a normal human can easily spot a vampire at a glance if he knows what he is looking for, a werewolf - even in in human form - sees much more than pale skin and characteristic eye color. To werewolves, vampires look shiny and angular, almost like moving crystal.

Sense of smell:

Like wolves and other predators, werewolves have heightened sens of smell. Of special note, vampires have a distinctive smell that werewolves are particularly aware off, in both their human and wolf forms. In General, for werewolves a vampire's scent in uncomfortable to the point of pain - a sickly sweet smell that burns, individually, each vampire has his or her own personal scent, which is easily distinguishable to werewolves. They can pick up this scent from a good distance, or from any item a vampire has touched.

Quileute werewolves possess great speed. They can outrun motor vehicles. A fast werewolf can outrun an average vampire. In human form, they are faster and have greater endurance than all normal humans.
Telepathic communications:
Werewolves are pack animals. They are at their most effective, whether hunting or fighting, when they work as a team. In their wolf forms, the werewolf pack shares a group mind; every member of the pack hears the thoughts of every other member. This telepathic communication allows them to work as one, coordinating instantaneously and moving with perfect unity. The pack's true power isn't in each individual wolf's strength, but an ability to work together as a cohesive group.
The ability to smoothly act as a team comes at a price. 
When in wolf form, werewolves have no privacy. All thoughts, no matter how fleeting or seemingly insignificant, are transmitted to other pack members who are also in wolf form. Feelings are transmitted, too - even those that are personal or potentially embarrassing. 
When more than one wolf pack exist at a time, werewolves from one pack cannot communicate telepathically with werewolves from the other pack. The only exception is the Alpha, or leader, of each pack. The Alpha can decide whether to share his thoughts with another Alpha and can select which thoughts to send, in the same way that he would choose to speak aloud.
Quileute werewolves heal very quickly, in both human and wolf forms. When they are wounded, they immediately begin to heal. Minor injuries heal in as little as a few seconds. More serious injuries, like broken bones, typically repair themselves in a matter of days. Quileute werewolves are not indestructible, and although killing one is easier than killing a vampire, it still takes a supernatural strength or great skill to seriously wound a werewolf.
An exception to this rule is vampire venom. In a werewolf's system - whether he is in human or wolf form - venom does not begin the process of transformation into a vampire. Rather, it acts as a poison that retards the healing abilities of the werewolf. Venom alone will not generally kill a healthy werewolf; however, in combination with other injuries, it can be fatal.
Once a werewolf transforms, his aging speeds up until he reaches the age of maturity, roughly twenty-five. At this point, as long as he continues to phase, he remains at that age. It's possible that a werewolf could choose to live his life this way forever and enjoy the same limited immortality as a vampire, but most Quileutes give up phasing in order to grow old and die alongside their family and friends. Once a werewolf gives up phasing altogether, he slowly begins to age again until his age reaches the normal human speed.

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