
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Children Of The Moon

The children of the moon are creatures similar to the traditional werewolves of myth. They Phase, or change forms, in response to the cycles of the moon. In their changed form, they do not entirely resemble actual wolves: their forelegs are more powerful than their hind legs and their still have usable hands with opposable thumbs. in addition, their stance is more upright, making their movement somewhat apelike, rather than entirely canine.
Children of the moon change form only at night, and during the fullest phase of the moon. While in their werewolf form, children of the moon are not aware of their human selves; they are feral rather than rational. 
Usually, they run alone, or with one companion of opposite gender. children of the moon cannot breed in their animal form; they can spread their species only by infecting other humans through bite. Infected humans who have children do not pass their abilities to their offspring.
In their animal form, children of the moon have heightened strength and speed that makes them both deadly and difficult to kill; contrary to the legend, these werewolves cannot be killed with a silver bullet, nor does silver repel them. Their amplified abilities make them capable of destroying a lone vampire; however, the vampire has the advantage due to the fact that he retains his logic and intelligence. One advantage the werewolf has, in both human and animal for is immunity to vampire venom, both the trans-formative properties and pain-producing properties. 

Because vampires and children of the moon share the same food source and because each is an exception to the others near indestructibility, they are natural enemies. Over time, however, the vampires have hunted the once populous werewolves into near extinction. 

In the Twilight Saga, Caius the Volturi had an encounter in the past with these creatures and vowed to hunt them all down, thus his interest in the "wolf pack" with whom Carlisle has a treaty.

Werewolf Transformation

Not every member of the Quileute tribe has the potential to transform into a werewolf. Only those who can trace a direct bloodline back to the first shape-shifter, Taha Aki, are born with the potential to become shape-shifters themselves. The first transformations occurs between the onset age of puberty and approximately age twenty-five, and is based on two factors:  heritage and the proximity of vampires.
The direct descendants of Taha Aki are born with twenty four chromosomal pairs rather than the twenty three pairs of a normal human. It was once believed that the extra chromosome could be passed down only to male descendants. but that was proven false; in eclipse, we saw the first female tribe member transformed.
This extra chromosome will not have any effect on the character if her or she is not in close proximity to vampires during all or part of the critical time between the onset of puberty and the age of twenty-five. If the potential werewolf is not exposed to vampires within the window of time, transformation will never occur. It is the scent of the vampire that triggers the reaction; a potential werewolf would not have to actually see or touch a vampire, only cross his scent.
signs of imminent transformation:
If a tribe member meets both conditions for transformation, he will go through a number of physical and psychological changes. First, a male will undergo a noticeable growth spurt, affecting both height and musculature. For a female, the physical changes are more subtle, mainly denoted by definition of muscle rather than bulk or height. Both males and females will then experience a drastic rise in body temperature, one that a typical human would be unable to survive. At the same time, he or she will begin to have dramatic mood swing and brief, sudden episodes of nearly uncontrollable rage. When the transformation is very close, he of she will begin to tremble and shake during these moments of rage.
After the shaking begins, the first transformation, or phase, can happen within seconds if the affected person does not calm himself. All the initial transformations are triggered by rage, until the werewolf can learn to control his reactions. The actual act of phasing last only an instant. There is no gradual shift, no in-between form where the werewolf appears to be a mix of human and animal. Because the wolf has more than four times the mass of the human, to an outsider the change looks explosive as the human expands to the size of the wolf. This impression can be intensified if the werewolf did not have time to remove his clothes before phasing; the clothes rip apart from the pressure of the expansion, adding a tearing sound to the otherwise soundless transformation.
Young werewolves are often unable to control their phasing, shifting forms whenever they feel anger. This unpredictability, combined with the massive size of the wolf form and the suddenness of the phasing process, makes werewolves dangerous to any humans in proximity to them during the change. Standing too close to a young werewolf during phasing can result in unintentional injury, or even death.
As young werewolves gain more control over their phasing, they have time to remove clothing, preventing it from being destroyed in a shape-shifting process. Most carry a leather strap with them so they can tie their clothes to their legs before phasing.
With experience, werewolves eventually master phasing and can control when they shape-shift.

LIfestyle and Behavior

Tribe structure:
The members of the Quileute tribe live as a group in the Quileute Nation on the La Push reservation and are governed by the council of elders. The tribe consists of everyone who is a descendant of another Quileute. The Quileute pack is a subset of the tribe; every member of the pack is a member of the tribe, but the majority of the tribe are not members of the pack. Moreover, most members of the tribe are not aware of the reality of the werewolves. Only the members of the council and the pack are in on the secret. While the tribal elders work closely with the pack, only those individuals with the ability to phase are actually classified as members of the pack. The leader of the Pack is referred as the Alpha. The role of the Alpha wolf is Inherited; the oldest descendant of the previous Alpha as the rightful claim to the position. If, for any reason, the oldest descendant of the Last Alpha refuses the position, the Alpha title can be claim by either the next closest relative of the last Alpha or by the chronologically oldest member of the pack. In such situation, each member of the pack must initially choose to support this Alpha candidate. After that support is given, the Alpha has the ability to impose control over the members of the pack, and no members can refuse the Alpha's commands. According to the tribal traditions, the Alpha wolf is not only the head of the pack, but also the chief of the entire tribe. As the tribe is govern by the council, The Alpha takes the position of the most senior tribe elder, despite his age.
One Factor affecting which members of the tribe transform is the number of vampire scents in the area. Throughout Quileute history, the pack has usually consisted of of three members. With most vampires traveling alone of in pairs, there was never a need for more than three werewolves to defend Quileute land. However, with a large vampires coven settled in the area, the tribe memberswith the strongest blood ties to the former pack are not the only ones to transform, Everyone in the tribe who as a relation to past wolves has a chance of joining the new pack. As more vampires enter the area in response to the resident coven, even more tenuous bloodlines result in new werewolves.
Recently, as a result of the size of the Quileute werewolf population and the accompanying tension, the pack split in two separate groups. The first time in Quileute history, there are presently two Alphas, each with his own pack. There are presently seventeen members of the two werewolf packs.
The wolf pack has a very complex system of rank that helps keep them organized and prepared for all eventualities. The Alpha's absolute authority over the pack makes them an effective fighting force, and if something happens to the Alpha, there is no debate about how to proceed. The pack does not lose effectiveness due to confusion.
Every Alpha has a second in command - referred to as his Second - who immediately assumes control if the Alpha in incapacitated. Ranking under the second is the Third, who is next in line to act as Alpha.
In case of a large pack, each Second and Third, and so on down, so that each wolf has someone in line to step into his responsibilities within the pack if something should happen to him. In a large pack, during a fight the werewolves tend to operate in three-wolf pods.
Some werewolves experience a bonding incident called imprinting, in which they become unconditionally tied to a human of the opposite sex. There are several theories on why imprinting occurs: Some believe that imprinting ensures the passing on of the werewolf gene others believe that imprinting happens to produce larger, stronger wolves in the next generation. The werewolves do not know the answer for certain.
Imprinting occurs only after a werewolf's first phasing. It can happen with anyone, regardless of previous personal feelings. Imprinting happens the first time a werewolf sees the human object of his imprinting; if the werewolf does not react to a human the first time he sees her after he phases, he will never imprint on that human. If the werewolf does imprint, he is forever changed. From the second he sees the object of his imprinting, he will do anything to please and protect her. All other commitments in his life become secondary, even his commitement to the pack. 
The relationship between the imprinting werewolf and the human imprinted upon is one total acceptance and support on the werewolf's part. No matter the age or living condition of the human, the werewolf automatically becomes whatever the human wants him to be, at the loss of his personal free will. If the human is young, the werewolf becomes the perfect platonic playmate and protector. As the human ages and changes, the werewolf instinctively switches roles to fulfill the human's needs.
It is against pack law for any werewolf to kill the object of another werwolf's imprinting. Such an act would be devastating not only to the wolf who suffered the loss, but to the entire pack. Given the telepathic ability, of the pack, each pack member would suffer the pain of the wolf whose mate has been killed. Even if the death of a wolf'S mate was an accident, the two wolves involved would fight to the death.

History With The Cullens

In 1936, cold ones again entered the Quileute land. They were different from the vampires who had come before. Their coven were larger - three males and two females - and the eyes were golden rather than red. The leader, Carlisle Cullen, somehow knew that the wolves had human intelligence. He told the wolves that the Cullens meant no harm to the wolves, the Quileute tribe, or any other humans. 
He claimed that they did not drink human blood, and offered a treaty between his coven and the werewolves. The three werewolves in the pack were outnumbered, so Carlisle had no need to make this offer other than a honest desire to refrain from killing the wolves, For this reason, Alpha wolf Ephraim Black believed Carlisle was making a genuine offer.
Ephraim insisted on two main points to the treaty; the vampires could not injure any humans (either by hunting them for food or by transforming them into vampires, as the Quileutes viewed this transformation equal to murder), and the vampires were never to trespass on Quileute land. Carlisle agreed to these terms and proposed adding the concept of mutual secrecy: The Quileutes would not be able to tell anyone the true nature of the Cullens, and vice-versa. Ephraim agreed, and they worked out boundary lines for their respective lands. 

The Quileute territory covered all of the reservation, plus some of the land that had traditionally belonged to the Hobs and Makahs. In some places, the boundary line followed the main road, now highway 101, but in others, it followed the old tribal lines. In turn, the werewolves would not cross into Cullen land. The Town of Forks, along with few other surrounding towns, and the highway were "truce areas" where both the Quileute werewolves and the Cullens were allowed to venture.
As the years passed and the Cullens moved elsewhere, the younger members of the Quileute tribe began to think of the treaty between the cold ones and the werewolves as part of a legend, not factual truth. 
The Cullens returned to the area in 2003, and Jacob Black later told human Bella Swan that the Cullens were vampires who had made a treaty with his werewolf great-grandfather, Ephraim. He though he was only telling her a scary story, but in fact, he unknowingly broke the treaty.
The Cullens' return had a huge impact on the tribe, especially those who had inherited the extra chromosome and how were in the right age range to transform. Werewolves hadn't existed in the Quileute tribe since Ephraim's pack. But the number of vampires in the Cullen coven caused an unusually large number of tribe members to become werewolves. The result was the largest wolf pack the tribe had seen since the days of the first shape-shifter.

Abilities of Wolves

A werewolf's eyesight is more than ten times Sharper than a normal human's, twice as sharp as the average bird of prey. Though a normal human can easily spot a vampire at a glance if he knows what he is looking for, a werewolf - even in in human form - sees much more than pale skin and characteristic eye color. To werewolves, vampires look shiny and angular, almost like moving crystal.

Sense of smell:

Like wolves and other predators, werewolves have heightened sens of smell. Of special note, vampires have a distinctive smell that werewolves are particularly aware off, in both their human and wolf forms. In General, for werewolves a vampire's scent in uncomfortable to the point of pain - a sickly sweet smell that burns, individually, each vampire has his or her own personal scent, which is easily distinguishable to werewolves. They can pick up this scent from a good distance, or from any item a vampire has touched.

Quileute werewolves possess great speed. They can outrun motor vehicles. A fast werewolf can outrun an average vampire. In human form, they are faster and have greater endurance than all normal humans.
Telepathic communications:
Werewolves are pack animals. They are at their most effective, whether hunting or fighting, when they work as a team. In their wolf forms, the werewolf pack shares a group mind; every member of the pack hears the thoughts of every other member. This telepathic communication allows them to work as one, coordinating instantaneously and moving with perfect unity. The pack's true power isn't in each individual wolf's strength, but an ability to work together as a cohesive group.
The ability to smoothly act as a team comes at a price. 
When in wolf form, werewolves have no privacy. All thoughts, no matter how fleeting or seemingly insignificant, are transmitted to other pack members who are also in wolf form. Feelings are transmitted, too - even those that are personal or potentially embarrassing. 
When more than one wolf pack exist at a time, werewolves from one pack cannot communicate telepathically with werewolves from the other pack. The only exception is the Alpha, or leader, of each pack. The Alpha can decide whether to share his thoughts with another Alpha and can select which thoughts to send, in the same way that he would choose to speak aloud.
Quileute werewolves heal very quickly, in both human and wolf forms. When they are wounded, they immediately begin to heal. Minor injuries heal in as little as a few seconds. More serious injuries, like broken bones, typically repair themselves in a matter of days. Quileute werewolves are not indestructible, and although killing one is easier than killing a vampire, it still takes a supernatural strength or great skill to seriously wound a werewolf.
An exception to this rule is vampire venom. In a werewolf's system - whether he is in human or wolf form - venom does not begin the process of transformation into a vampire. Rather, it acts as a poison that retards the healing abilities of the werewolf. Venom alone will not generally kill a healthy werewolf; however, in combination with other injuries, it can be fatal.
Once a werewolf transforms, his aging speeds up until he reaches the age of maturity, roughly twenty-five. At this point, as long as he continues to phase, he remains at that age. It's possible that a werewolf could choose to live his life this way forever and enjoy the same limited immortality as a vampire, but most Quileutes give up phasing in order to grow old and die alongside their family and friends. Once a werewolf gives up phasing altogether, he slowly begins to age again until his age reaches the normal human speed.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Real Ancient Quileute History

Never forget the Quileute Tribe is an actual people with real legends. The Twilight tale of the First Wolf Transformation actually belittles their own Creation Story of  Qwati transforming the first Quileute people from wolves! 

On visiting La Push-
The Quileute Tribe is a Sovereign Nation which means they have their own government inside of the United States that consists of a Tribal Council.
The Quileute Tribe makes decisions on how best to balance community and tradition, while providing visitors with enjoyable experiences. However, in an effort to avoid misunderstandings or violations of our customs, we ask that visitors follow basic procedures for conduct. Thank you for your assistance in helping us protect our sacred and ceremonial areas including the preservation of historical artifacts.
· Please be attentive to signage, and obey our individual tribal rules and regulations.
· Please respect the privacy of residential communities.
· Ask before photographing or recording an individual, an event, or activity.
· Do not pick up or remove artifacts or objects, such as sand, rocks, shells, minerals, marine growth, driftwood from beach, eagle feathers, broken pottery, etc. (This is a violation of ORDINANCE NO. 74-A-8)
· Burial grounds and religious ceremonies are sacred and are not to be entered.
Traditionally, our people are hospitable and generous in nature. However, spiritual teachings, sacred ceremonies and burial grounds are not openly shared with the public.
We are proud of our teachings, and our heritage. They have been passed to us by our ancestors, and represent thousands of years of our individual histories. Your patience and understanding of our traditions and cultures is appreciated.

Sites to learn more about the Twilight Legend and the Actual Quileute Legends